> links / contacts

> all links, which for one reason or another associated with me <:D

Mastodon Fediverse

account on md.ilyamikcoder.com

> this instance is dead. i'm now located on another instance below.

account on md.therwi.sawrams.ru

> i bought myself my own domain, so i migrated to another instance (lol)

account on mk.therwi.net

> go away mastodon, hello sharkey!!!



> i only using this account now to check incoming messages, but i keeping it as an alt, if suddenly i lose my domain.


> wooow new domain there too


"tg channel with my info"

> why not my username? because bad valenki (winter warm boots from ru) exist from my real life, who know about my account in tg.
anyway, you can try write to my bot and find my username!no please (i don't checking that bot)
also there are links to my cool tg channels, so i wont mention them here.